Bethan Kellough is a sound artist from Scotland, now based in Los Angeles. She is interested in the layers of a landscape that sound reveals, working with field recordings as a basis for creating immersive sound-worlds through music composition, ambisonic installations and sound design for film and VR. She holds a PhD in Sonic Arts from the University of Glasgow, and is currently developing a body of work that listens to the dynamism of Earth processes occurring across various timescales. Her field recordings have featured in the New York Times Voyages Magazine, freq_wave online sound installation, VR experience Spheres and in the feature film Gali Guleiyan. She has produced internationally programmed installations and concert works, as well as writing additional music for Terrence Malick's 2019 film A Hidden Life, and compositions Aven and Lines of Flight released on Touch in 2016 and 2020 respectively.
Field Trip - Arts, Science, Tech and Environment Symposium