Producer: Public Art, Performance, Festivals & Events. // Curator: Public Programs, Visual Arts & Exhibitions.// Photographer: Community Projects & Documentation.
Charlotte Hilder started her creative industries career in film, working on productions such as Spike Jonez feature film ‘Where The Wild Things Are’. In 2003 after working with youth and communities in Fitzroy Melbourne on community arts and cultural projects, she has been producing, curating and managing arts and cultural initiatives for various government, arts, and community organisations. Charlotte has also collaborated with migrant, refugee and Aboriginal communities and artists for over 15 years on various cultural initiatives, including working on Festivals such as ‘Yirramboi’ – First Nations Arts Festival, the Asia TOPA triennial Festival in Melbourne and Sculpture by the Sea in Sydney and Perth. Charlotte has qualifications in Fine Arts, Multimedia Design and Community Cultural Development, and is passionate about cross-cultural and cross-platform creative initiatives, and mentors emerging artists from diverse backgrounds.