![Kylie Bourne](https://artsfront-live-s3-au.imgix.net/artsfront/media/pool/img/89/7/76/2jpya-c8e2579de5d5cbea8528f1006c5de2dc.png?fm=png&ixlib=php-1.2.1&name=lge&orient=1&w=1280)
Kylie Bourne is an artist that is driven by her love of colour, nature, environment, family, friends and gardening. The majority of her work to date has been created using hand-cut coloured glass, tiles and mirror, however she also explores ideas through sculpture. She enjoys working with glass predominately and creates artworks that reflect her personality.
With the Councillor role of spokesperson for Tourism, Events and Regional Promotion across the Western Downs; Kylie understands firsthand the importance Arts and Culture plays in promoting, supporting, and enhancing our region. Kylie also enjoys sharing her passion for art and mosaics through workshops and installation works throughout regional communities.
Scenic Rim Regional Council and SWQ Regional Arts are presenting a series of 11 Arts Dinners in person and online.