
I am a writer and artist living and working in Herefordshire U.K.

Alongside my professional practice, I am also a practice-based PhD student at the University of Brighton. My project draws upon new research in physical science that explores the sentience, communicative properties, and agency of plants and trees. As a photographer I am interested in how photography, as a light-based medium, can be used (if at all) to co-create with non-human elements of the natural world. In this sense, I'm interested in alternative photographic techniques, such as anthotypes, that harness the natural photosensitive qualities of plants in order to make images. 

Specifically the thesis explores twelve ancient oak trees in England that were named Great British Trees by The Tree Council in 2002. More broadly, the oak tree's resonance within English culture and its historical relationship with the nation remain peripheral, but nonetheless important elements in my research.

Website: www.ephajroe.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/ephajroe

An online symposium that brings The Mind of Plants contributors together to share their reflections and various learnings with plants.

Stories, poetry and sound across a diversity of human languages and geographical landscapes. Come and join us!

USC Sunshine Coast
Apr 09 2021