MPavilion is an ongoing series of architecture commissions initiated in 2014 by the Naomi Milgrom Foundation and supported by City of Melbourne, State Government of Victoria through Creative Victoria, and ANZ. Every year the Naomi Milgrom Foundation commissions an outstanding architect to design a pavilion for the Queen Victoria Gardens, in the centre of Melbourne’s Southbank Arts Precinct.
An innovative civic space, a cultural laboratory and a place for people to meet, learn and engage with ideas and design, from October to February each year MPavilion becomes the focus of a free four-month program of cultural events and interventions, lively talks, performances, workshops, installations and gatherings.
The Fair Play project, funded by Creative Victoria, is an equity and inclusion capacity building program for organisations that receive multi-year funding through Creative Victoria.
The Fair Play symposium will platform the knowledges, leading practices and lived experiences of First Nations, Disability, and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse creative practitioners.