Psychologist in Private Practice. Julie has worked extensively with creative people. Her doctoral research into creativity and mental health at UTS places her at the forefront of our understanding of how to be both healthy and creative. She has two degrees MA (Counselling) and a BA Dip Ed. She is a Member of the Australian Psychological Society, a Member of College of Health Psychology.
She was the first to develop and establish a hold up support program in a major Australian bank. In addition to this ground-breaking work, she established relocation programs and stress management training for bank staff. She later worked in the NSW health system as a staff psychologist for a major hospital in Sydney as well as for the Vietnam Veterans Counselling Service, establishing her credentials as an experienced practitioner of trauma related mental health issues.
Her work encompasses both private practice and consultancy. In her practice, she regularly sees creative artists and their partners who are experiencing anxiety, depression, relationship and related issues. From this experience, she has developed the successful Building Mental Resilience group program and she trains, advises and mentors creative organisations and organisations that want to attract the creative, in how to retain and foster a healthy creative environment. This has included work with AMIN (Australian Music Industry Network through CONTROL), Waleed Ally interviewed her for the Melbourne based RN drive time program and more recently Triple M’s “The Grill Team” spoke with her following Robyn William’s death on the subject of “Living with a Creative Mind”.
Scenic Rim Regional Council and SWQ Regional Arts are presenting a series of 11 Arts Dinners in person and online.