
Kristan M. Hanson is an art historian and plant humanist. Her work examines the historical significance of plants and botanical forms in art to deepen understandings of human/plant interactions and our current environmental crisis.

Hanson is currently a Research Associate for the Plant Humanities Initiative at Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection in Washington, D.C. She held a 2020–21 Plant Humanities Fellowship at DO, contributing content to the Plant Humanities Lab and JSTOR Daily’s “Plant of the Month” series.

The Mind of Plants: Narratives of Vegetal Intelligence IS HERE! 

Join us for the book launch and be enchanted by a sharing of stories, dialogue, music and inspiration.

Santa Fe
Oct 28 2021

Una jornada de cocreación de historias, reflexiones, imágenes y sonidos sobre nuestra relación con las plantas.

Uma jornada de co-criação, reflexões, imagens e sons sobre a nossa relação com as plantas.

Santiago de Chile
Jul 09 2021 To Jul 09 2021