Lisa Stefanoff lives as a recent settler in central Arrernte country. Trained at NYU's Program in Culture and Media, in critical traditions of ethnography, documentary and community media production, she mothers, curates, writes, and produces collaborative media/arts-based research projects in central and northern Australia. Across these entangled forms of engagement and mimetic unraveling over the past 20 years, Lisa has been learning to listen to histories of the future and imagine the past in multi-lingual, multi-world, open, guided and organic ways. She is currently an ARC DECRA Fellow at the National Institute for Experimental Arts (NIEA) at UNSW Art & Design co-designing with desert artists some immersive and augmented media possibilities for painted family histories that link unjust colonial policy, value extraction, and water management. In 2019 Lisa co-produced the VR film 'Waumananyi - the song on the wind' with the NPY Women's Council Uti Kulintjaku group of Anangu ngangkari (traditional healers) and the UNSW fEEL Lab.
Field Trip is an international research symposium investigating creative practice at the intersection of art, science, technology and the environment.
An online symposium that brings The Mind of Plants contributors together to share their reflections and various learnings with plants.
Stories, poetry and sound across a diversity of human languages and geographical landscapes. Come and join us!
Field Trip - Arts, Science, Tech and Environment Symposium