![Coburg headshot](https://artsfront-live-s3-au.imgix.net/artsfront/media/pool/img/6/68/14/2yl6-c7d0e7e2922845f3e1185d246d01365d.jpg?fm=jpg&ixlib=php-1.2.1&name=lge&orient=1&w=1280)
I volunteer for a small group of artists including asylum seekers and non-asylum seekers based in Melbourne. We are led by asylum seekers and people from CALD backgrounds as well as LGBTIQ artists, and obtain small amounts of funding to run exhibitions and workshops.
Previously I worked as an academic in the only intersectional Gender, Sexuality and Diversity Studies program in Australia at La Trobe University. I have also undertaken research work with the Social Relations of Disability Research Network, and in a Community Based Participant Action Research project for CALD communities in Western Melbourne
A leadership group supporting the Art Front project.
The Fair Play project, funded by Creative Victoria, is an equity and inclusion capacity building program for organisations that receive multi-year funding through Creative Victoria.
What is the role of artists in changing our systems? This is a series for artists and arts workers to explore big ideas, how they relate to conditions in our sector, with provocations and opportunities to start imagining what change might look like.
The Fair Play symposium will platform the knowledges, leading practices and lived experiences of First Nations, Disability, and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse creative practitioners.