
Marisa is an inter-disciplinary artist who weaves together diverse strategies for living (or coping) well in their current urban, neoliberal, anthropocentric, colonial situation. They work across disciplines such as embodied movement, social practice, publishing and installation both inside and outside institutional contexts, and often collaboratively. They aim to forefront knowledge systems that are often backgrounded such as embodied, sensory or intuitive knowledge. Embracing the complexity of current crises, they promote experiences that are intimate, gentle, self-aware and care-full, without sacrificing strategy and criticality.

Marisa was co-founder and co-director of people+artist+place from 2016-2019; an arts initiative that focuses on the production of live, site-specific and socially-engaged art. Currently, they chair a local community NFP dedicated to the cultivation of participatory arts and cultural activities in Brisbane and regional Queensland.

Their outlet is performing at techno gigs under the pseudonym algal__bloom: a mostly mammalian but often plant-based being that moves for still-possible futures.

Marisa lives and creates on unceded Jagera and Turrbal land.

What is the role of artists in changing our systems? This is a series for artists and arts workers to explore big ideas, how they relate to conditions in our sector, with provocations and opportunities to start imagining what change might look like.

Nov 04 2020 To Dec 02 2020

An online symposium exploring ideas of basic income and the need for an approach to economy that puts creativity and care at its centre. Led by a panel of artists, researchers, economists, scientists and philosophers, the symposium responds to current and ongoing planetary crises, and positions creativity and social ecology as integral to shaping policy and systems of value.

The Symposium is a joint initiative of Arts Front, BLINDSIDE and Next Wave and was supported by the City of Melbourne COVID-19 Arts Grants.

May 28 2020 To May 28 2020