Marisa Ponce de León is a Mexican / Portugues flautist, performer, researcher and teacher. She is a doctor in Music/Performance by the University of Aveiro (Portugal), Her doctorate thesis focuses on creating musical performances with plants: 'Phytopoetic creation: a ecological and artistic intervention' . She holds a Master's degree in music (performance/flute) from the University of Aveiro and is a colaborator researcher at the INET-md Research Centre'. During 2021, she was a visiting student at the Academy of Music and Drama, University of Gothenburg, studying music improvisation. As a performer she has presented work in Mexico, the United States, Poland, Greece, Holland, Colombia, Brazil, Belgium, France, CHile, Portugal, Finland and Sweden. She has considerable experience of teaching music in conservatories and higher education institutions and delivering music in social contexts and projects.
Una jornada de cocreación de historias, reflexiones, imágenes y sonidos sobre nuestra relación con las plantas.
Uma jornada de co-criação, reflexões, imagens e sons sobre a nossa relação com as plantas.
An online symposium that brings The Mind of Plants contributors together to share their reflections and various learnings with plants.
Stories, poetry and sound across a diversity of human languages and geographical landscapes. Come and join us!