
Hi, I'm Sarah Rasines. I am currently living and working in Burgos. I am a sound and visual artist. I have a degree in Fine Arts from the San Carlos Faculty of Fine Arts at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. I combine artistic creation with research at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of the Basque Country, where I also belonged to a research group called Ikersoinu Research Group ("Sound research and artistic space: new technical and conceptual tools for creation"). My field of work is related to temporal processes and experimental media.

I’ve also got a Master’s Degree in Cultural Management from the University of the Basque Country. I have worked for the Fundación Caja de Burgos designing its annual cultural program; and I have directed the Culturapia Program, organised by Fundación Caja de Burgos and La Caixa, which brings culture to hospitals and the penitentiary center in Burgos. At the moment, I am working for Junta de Castilla y León as a cultural manager and developing different projects that I am passionate about. And I am a member of GesculCyl, the Association of Cultural Management Professionals of Castile and Leon.

In 2018 I created Crystal Mine to promote the exchange of music under the philosophy of #anticopyright. This independent label aims to release music on cassette, mainly; to showcase fresh and risky projects based on experimentation.

In 2019 I presented Crystal Mine on Radio Relativa, Madrid, where I host a bimonthly radio program that explores the latest trends and interests of the label through different formats.

In addition, I hold workshops on Musical Creation for children in Libraries and Art Centres in which two important phases of experimentation are combined within their parallel artistic didactic actions: experimentation with meta-literary content and experimentation with sound beyond music.

I've lived away from Burgos for quite a while in cities like Valencia, Bilbao or Barcelona. This has greatly influenced my work, since everything I have seen and learned elsewhere has had a direct impact on my experiences and projects in the city of Burgos.

Una jornada de cocreación de historias, reflexiones, imágenes y sonidos sobre nuestra relación con las plantas.

Uma jornada de co-criação, reflexões, imagens e sons sobre a nossa relação com as plantas.

Santiago de Chile
Jul 09 2021 To Jul 09 2021

An online symposium that brings The Mind of Plants contributors together to share their reflections and various learnings with plants.

Stories, poetry and sound across a diversity of human languages and geographical landscapes. Come and join us!

USC Sunshine Coast
Apr 09 2021