

Taisha was born in Maraenui Napier, daughter of Remana and DawneTari


Ko Hikurangi me Kahurānaki õku maunga.

Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua me Takitimu õku waka

Ko Tawapuku me Ngaruroro õku awa

Ko te Huruhime Ururangi me Korongatāngā marae

Ko Ngāti Matua me Te Uri o Hau me Ngāti Poporo

Ngā Hapu

Ko Ngāpuhi me Ngāti Kahungunu õku iwi

Creating music for me, is a connection to wairua, which is carried in melody and lyrics, that connects me to the heart where my tupuna live on.

As a young girl growing up in Napier, the one thing that made the world make sense was music. Growing up terribly dyslexic, meant I didn't understand letters, or

there connection to sound. My mother brought me a guitar and at the age of eight, and I wrote my 1st song "homeward bird" From this point music became my language, my bubble of peace from the noise of the world that surrounded me.

Music is a It is powerful medicine, it has the ability to heal and pierce through your heart like an arrow, and effect you for a lifetime.. Taisha has been involved in so many areas of music since she 1st begun. From large concerts like '

"Christmas in the Park", "Symphony in the Park" toured with "OMC" on three world tours. Sung for seven years with All female group "The LadyKillers"

Released music and won "Best Song" with Karanga and "Best Female Singer", Has been the Ambassador For Māori Music Awards for the last 13 years.

Taisha also has a deep passion for supporting and developing rangatahi in music with her program "Awhi Music Her future plans are to continue to grow and learn, to allow her voice and passions to take her on journeys that haven't been explored thus far.

As a young girl growing up in Napier, the one thing that made the
world make sense was music. Growing up terribly dyslexic, meant
I didn't understand letters, or there connection to sound. My
mother brought me a guitar and at the age of eight, and I wrote
my 1st song "homeward bird" From this point music became my
language, my bubble of peace from the noise of the world that surrounded me.

Creating music for me, is a connection to wairua, which is carried
in melody and lyrics, that connects me to the heart where my tupuna live on.

It is powerful medicine; it has the ability to heal and pierce.
through your heart like an arrow, and effect you for a lifetime.
Taisha has been involved in so many areas of music since she 1st begun. From large concerts "Christmas in the Park", "Symphony in the Park" toured with
"OMC" on three world tours. Sung for seven years with All female group "The LadyKillers"
Released music and won "Best Song" with Karanga and "Best
Female Singer", Has been the Ambassador for Māori Music Awards for the last 13 years.
Taisha also has a deep passion for supporting and developing
rangatahi in music with her program "Awhi Music. Her future
plans are to continue to grow and learn, to allow her voice and
passions to take her on journeys that haven't been explored thus far.


Name: TaishaMusic Enterprisers Ltd

My Role: TaishaMusic Enterprisers Ltd

Woven believe in the following
Mana atua – wellbeing.
Mana tangata – contribution.
Mana whenua – belonging.
Mana reo – communication.
Mana aotūroa – exploration
We will WEAVE equality and hope within our kaupapa
• Well-Being
• Empowerment
• Accountability
• Virtue
• Excellence
We strive to be and do the best in everything we do. Firstly as individuals, as a team
and as a creative community. Mindful that we're only human.
These are the principles within our rōpū they align directly with each of us.
Ensuring that individuals feel respected, included, heard and safe.


Artform: Multidisciplinary

Development Status: Ready To Premiere (We are in our second iteration, of Woven, we have expanded our creative team, added a dancer and spoken word artist. Our show length is now 60mins long.)

Media Uploads




In the narrative of WOVEN, a profound acknowledgment resonates — that we, as individuals, are intricately connected.
Exploring the shared threads that weave us together. The threads between cultures, languages, whanau, and whenua.The music resonates with the profound connection to our whakapapa, articulating the essence of our ancestor Papatūānuku. Each note echoes the heartbeat of our heritage, weaving a sonic tapestry that transcends time. It becomes a lyrical exploration of our ties to mother earth, a symphony of belonging, expressing the inseparable ties that bind us to the roots of this whenua.

Creative Team and Crew

Whetu Silver Dramaturg
Taisha Tari Producer
Komako Silver Taonga Pūoro
Zion Jones Dancer
Danielle Jones Spoken Word

Number of People in the Touring Party


Previous Seasons

This is the second irritation of Woven we have grown our show from a 35min performance to a 60min performance.
Weve just finished premiering at the Hamilton Arts festival with 2 sell out shows Feb 2024
Q loft in Tamaki Makaurau March 2024

Reviews and Quotes

Kia Ora Taisha … I was spell bound last night at WOVEN … your voice … your message of togetherness … your artists that you gathered around you to create your vision … WOW!!
Thank you soooo much …

Kia ora Taisha. Not sure if this will find you but wanted to get a message thru to you, your whanau and team of Woven. Last nights performance was one of the most spellbinding and beautiful shows I have had the privilege of seeing. What a triumph of creativity, courage and wisdom. It was truly a magnificent production bringing every element of live theatre together to perfection.

The Performing Arts Network of New Zealand (PANNZ) Arts Market is New Zealand's premiere event for artists, producers, presenters and industry leaders from across the performing arts sector.

Town Hall, Auckland, New Zealand
Mar 04 2024 To Mar 06 2024

The Performing Arts Network of New Zealand (PANNZ) Arts Market is New Zealand's premiere event for artists, producers, presenters and industry leaders from across the performing arts sector.

Auckland, New Zealand
Mar 13 2023 To Mar 16 2023