Alex-Marsden headshot

Former national director of AMaGA, now consultant, researcher, board member of national cultural organisations, Adjunct Professor at the University of Canberra, and continuing my commitment to advocacy for culture and the arts - including their role in tackling climate change. Also interested in the role of women in shaping the future.

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Cultural Gardeners

The Cultural Gardeners - Australian Cultural Alliance for Climate Action

Growing a nation of stewards caring for environment, arts & culture. First Nations first on every Country.

Private Home page for Cultural Gardeners
5 Admins | 213 Members

The Cultural Gardeners - Australian Cultural Alliance for Climate Action

Growing a nation of stewards caring for environment, arts & culture. First Nations first on every Country.

Reset: A New Public Agenda for the Arts offered two days and nights of thinking and discussion about how the arts and cultural sector could work to break out of the current impasse through a radical reorganisation of cultural practice and policy.

Adelaide, Kaurna Yerta
Nov 11 2021 To Nov 12 2021

Cultural Gardeners - Australian Cultural Alliance for Climate Action

Oct 01 2021 To Dec 31 2026