dajarra state school

Dajarra is a small rural remote community is located a 153 kilometres south of Mount Isa. Dajarra State School and caters for students from Kindy to Year 6.

Our school has one combined class for students in Kindy to Year 6. We have fulltime teacher and a teaching principal with a wonderful support staff to ensure that our students have access to a high quality education.

At Dajarra State School, our school motto "Where Everyone is an Achiever" underpins our everyday practices. We work closely with the students to develop programs that develop the social and emotional learning of our students through team building activities and self-regulation strategies are activity taught.

Our school uses the P-6 Small School Curriculum model which allows flexibility in delivering the curriculum, but also ensuring that it is aligned with the Australian Curriculum. Our students engage in a wide range of curriculum activities including English, HPE, Digital Technology, HASS, Science and the Arts.

As a continued part of our student's self-development, our students engage in a whole school morning parade on a daily basis. This allows us to come together as a school family to talk about the day's events, address and issues and provide the opportunity for our school leaders to lead the school. It is also used to reinforce our school's expectations and focus on or PBL (Positive Behaviour for Learning) each day. Our frameworks focuses on the three pillars: Be Responsible, Be Respectful and Be Safe and ensures that we continue to have high expectations for all our students.

Dajarra State School Centenary and Community Archive Project.

May 01 2021 To Nov 30 2021