![Riona 2009](https://artsfront-live-s3-au.imgix.net/artsfront/media/pool/img/3/21/19/1zptp-687338c1e79c2acc2b2bbf9fe0542e62.jpg?fm=jpg&ixlib=php-1.2.1&name=lge&orient=1&w=1280)
Deaf Creative Practitioner and Deaf advocate for inclusion, advocating and sharing stories and tips to include meaningful access and inclusion within arts industry. My creative journey perceptually consists of pathways where one learn from each other in how to make diversity more inclusive and accessible. Otherness as a Deaf reimagined social model, making art communicative and meaningful in contextual with sign language and a pen.
Passionate ecologist, a scientific illustrator and a creative practitioner exploring the arts where the stories await to be told in various forms. The destructive and excluding story where there is hope to be had, is told through various media and languages making the art inclusive.
I am passionate about reimagining meaningful access and inclusion in the creative industry that provides an equitable platform for all regardless of their disability or who are deaf.
Unpacking the Canada Council's $85m Digital Strategy Fund. What worked and what can the arts sector in Australia learn from it?
Little Lunch Online (LLOL) was a daily online meetup and creative exchange to support the Australian arts sector during the Corona Virus pandemic in 2020.