Nicole Carroll is a composer, performer, sound designer, and builder working with audio, video, and tangible objects. Her work spans installation, improvisation, and fixed media performance, across noise, soundscape, and acousmatic genres. She is active as a sound designer and composer in theatre, performs electronic music under the alias “n0izmkr,” and builds custom synthesisers, controllers, and performance sensor systems. Her research focuses on generative systems that merge analog and digital technologies to create musical performance systems from non-musical sources. Additional interests include soft circuits and wearable sensors, augmented acoustic instruments, and AV synthesis on mobile devices and embedded systems.
Nicole’s works have been performed internationally in USA, Mexico, Wales, Germany, Greece, Australia, and China, including at SEAMUS, ICMC, and NIME conferences. Nicole holds an M.M. and B.M. in Composition from Bowling Green State University and Arkansas State University, respectively. During the 2017-18 academic year, she was an Adjunct Research Fellow at QCGU in Brisbane, Australia. She received a Ph.D. in Computer Music and Multimedia from Brown University in Providence, RI, USA and is currently Lecturer in Digital Composition at the University of Newcastle in Australia. www.nicolecarrollmusic.com
An online symposium that brings The Mind of Plants contributors together to share their reflections and various learnings with plants.
Stories, poetry and sound across a diversity of human languages and geographical landscapes. Come and join us!
Unpacking the Canada Council's $85m Digital Strategy Fund. What worked and what can the arts sector in Australia learn from it?
Field Trip - Arts, Science, Tech and Environment Symposium
Little Lunch Online (LLOL) was a daily online meetup and creative exchange to support the Australian arts sector during the Corona Virus pandemic in 2020.