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I am the Strategic Initiatives Producer for Country Arts SA. Focusing on the digital and music spaces, currently overseeing the 2021-2022 Arts Activation Strategy.

Country Arts SA is a dynamic arts organisation bringing the arts to life in regional South Australia.

  • We support artists to develop their practice and make art.
  • We present shows and workshops for people of all ages at our arts centres in Whyalla, Port Pirie, Renmark, Mount Gambier and Noarlunga and community owned venues in other centres.
  • We work with galleries across the State to curate visual arts exhibitions and residency projects as well as showcasing work of regional artists to state, national and international audiences.

Reset: A New Public Agenda for the Arts offered two days and nights of thinking and discussion about how the arts and cultural sector could work to break out of the current impasse through a radical reorganisation of cultural practice and policy.

Adelaide, Kaurna Yerta
Nov 11 2021 To Nov 12 2021

Unpacking the Canada Council's $85m Digital Strategy Fund. What worked and what can the arts sector in Australia learn from it? 

Whitehorse - Yukon Canada
Feb 18 2021 To Feb 18 2021