Tony Birch is the author of three novels: the bestselling The White Girl; Ghost River, which won the Victorian Premier’s Literary Award for Indigenous Writing; and Blood, which was shortlisted for the Miles Franklin Award. He is also the author of Shadowboxing and three short story collections, Father’s Day, The Promise and Common People. In 2017 he was awarded the Patrick White Literary Award. Tony is a frequent contributor to ABC local and national radio, a regular guest at writers’ festivals, and a climate justice campaigner. In 2021 Tony published two new books; a poetry collection, Whisper Songs, and a new book of short stories, Dark As Last Night (both with UQP). Tony is a founding member of the Melbourne School of Discontent.
A Literary Education Lab Initiative in collaboration with Stella
This innovative symposium brings into dialogue two of Australia’s most celebrated First Nations authors and a leading geo-philosopher to consider the power of interdisciplinary collaboration centred on the literary arts in our rapidly changing climate.
Ellen van Neerven
Professor Tony Birch
Professor Kathryn Yusoff
Please join Literary Education Lab Initiative in collaboration with Stella for this exciting, free live-stream event.
Presentations will be online, scheduled 7.00pm to 8.30pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) 20 January 2022.
For more information, contact Dr. Sarah E. Truman at the Literary Education Lab: sarahe.truman@unimelb.edu.au