Tricia King is a Lecturer in Photography in the School of Creative Industries and active documentary photographer. Her research focuses on photography, its role in personal and cultural memory, and the construction of identity. Utilising techniques like photo-elicitation, documentary and collaborative photography, Tricia develops collaborative participant driven projects working predominantly with people experiencing social isolation. Most recently she has worked with older people living in aged care to explore their lived experience and help develop programs to assist with greater socialisation. She is working to expand this project to include other communities and will work with participants on further co-curated exhibition projects.
A free online festival exploring living with Parkinson’s and Quality of Life Approaches to creative ageing across communities. An interactive, accessible online gathering to share information, participate in workshops, and build network connections. It will include dance, music, art activities and research presentations. Celebrating the 10th anniversary of Dance for Parkinson's Australia.
A Literary Education Lab Initiative in collaboration with Stella
This innovative symposium brings into dialogue two of Australia’s most celebrated First Nations authors and a leading geo-philosopher to consider the power of interdisciplinary collaboration centred on the literary arts in our rapidly changing climate.
Ellen van Neerven
Professor Tony Birch
Professor Kathryn Yusoff
Please join Literary Education Lab Initiative in collaboration with Stella for this exciting, free live-stream event.
Presentations will be online, scheduled 7.00pm to 8.30pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) 20 January 2022.
For more information, contact Dr. Sarah E. Truman at the Literary Education Lab: sarahe.truman@unimelb.edu.au

A free online festival exploring Quality of Life Approaches to creative ageing and living with Parkinson’s. An interactive, accessible online gathering to share information, participate in workshops, and build network connections. It will include dance, music, art activities and research presentations.
Field Trip is an international research symposium investigating creative practice at the intersection of art, science, technology and the environment.
Una jornada de cocreación de historias, reflexiones, imágenes y sonidos sobre nuestra relación con las plantas.
Uma jornada de co-criação, reflexões, imagens e sons sobre a nossa relação com as plantas.
An online symposium that brings The Mind of Plants contributors together to share their reflections and various learnings with plants.
Stories, poetry and sound across a diversity of human languages and geographical landscapes. Come and join us!
Unpacking the Canada Council's $85m Digital Strategy Fund. What worked and what can the arts sector in Australia learn from it?
Arts Front Podcast Interview Series
Field Trip - Arts, Science, Tech and Environment Symposium
Little Lunch Online (LLOL) was a daily online meetup and creative exchange to support the Australian arts sector during the Corona Virus pandemic in 2020.