Feral Arts
5th March, 2024
Feral Arts
Reporting On:
Healthcare Housing Protest
20 east 4th street ny Comments (0)
FABnyc 20/20

FABnyc is 20. We’re deeply proud of what FAB has accomplished in the past two decades. We’re choosing to celebrate our history not only by looking back and remembering… but by looking forward. What are our hopes for the next twenty years? Do we have a vision for our work in the Lower East Side that goes beyond a season or two? Cultural equity is essential for a thriving LES. In our FABnyc 20/20 vision plan, we’re sharing ideas that expand opportunities for cultural participation, nurture partnerships, and activate open spaces for creativity and community. We hope this vision plan will spark imagination, dialogue, and deeper collaboration with partners and neighbors on the future of arts and culture in the LES.