Feral Arts is a national community arts and cultural development (CACD) company with a focus on supporting campaigns, connectedness and capacity building across the whole arts and cultural sector. We take a leadership role in responding to national watershed issues for the arts sector and broader community. We work to ensure CACD remains at the forefront of policy and program development at all times.
Arts Front (www.artsfront.com) is five-year project (2017 - 2021) supporting artists to take the lead in shaping the future of culture and the arts in Australia. Arts Front is a chance think and act beyond our current systems: what could culture and the arts in Australia look like in 2030 and how do we go about making our visions a reality.
Name: Feral Arts
Feral Arts is an Australian community cultural development company based on the beautiful, unceded Kabi Kabi lands of the Sunshine Coast.
We are the creators of the Arts Front platform and we have been partners with PANNZ on the delivery of the last three Arts Markets.
The vision for our new Light Industry project is for industrial estates and manufacturing precincts across Australia to be humanised, renewed and revitalised by local artists - www.lightindustry.net.
Iwi affiliation
The Feral Arts team, headed up by Sarah Moynihan and Norm Horton, are primarily of European decent with a mix of Irish, Scottish, English and German.
Feral Arts is very lucky based on the beautiful, unceded Kabi Kabi lands of the Sunshine Coast. We also have strong links with Jinibara and Waluwarra peoples.
How I got where I am today
The Feral Arts team have long histories working in the arts and cultural sector. In broad terms, we have been inspired to work with and in communities to bring about change through the arts.
The team at Feral Arts share core values around equity and justice and bringing about change through the arts. We are part of the community cultural development sector and we have a large network of like-minded artists locally, nationally and internationally.
What grounds me?
We live near the beautiful Maroochy River, and we love swimming and walking and hanging out with our friends.
A leadership group supporting the Art Front project.
A collaborative space for the Arts, Creativity and Education program at Montessori International College in 2019.

The Cultural Gardeners - Australian Cultural Alliance for Climate Action
Growing a nation of stewards caring for environment, arts & culture. First Nations first on every Country.

Darwin CREATIVE is an arts and cultural community building and profile raising program for the City of Darwin.
Over 3 years MAV will facilitate Out of the Box, a new intercultural arts network to develop and connect cultural workers and artists of colour in Shepparton, Bendigo and online.

The Arts Front Environment Group is leading arts sector's response to the environmental and climate change emergency.

Field Trip is a collaborative online space for people working at the intersection of arts, science, technology and the environment.
The First Nations Dialogues Lenapehoking New York 2019, is a series of Indigenous led performances, discussions, workshops and ceremony.
A collaborative space for people working on the development an International Digital Platform (IDP) for the arts sector.
This project will take a creative-led transdisciplinary approach to the challenge of planetary regeneration.
Gamification of cultural and environmental action through schools.
The Eucalyptus Project - Development Space
Our team recognises the always owners of the lands we work, learn, read and on including Wurundjeri, Gadigal, and Kabi Kabi Country. This land was never ceded. We pay respects to all Indigenous colleagues contributing to this research.
We are interested in investigating the connections between sustainability and Indigenous knowledges in the context of school English and, in doing so, activate literature as an important interdisciplinary site for reimagining social and environmental futures. This research will support the dialogue around the value of Australian Indigenous literature in classrooms and society, specifically by thinking about the relationship between climate justice and Indigenous texts. Your responses will be kept completely confidential and deidentified.
Kunda Park Precinct Planning Project
HallowGreen Trial Project
The Performing Arts Network of New Zealand (PANNZ) Arts Market is New Zealand's premiere event for artists, producers, presenters and industry leaders from across the performing arts sector.
NOCD-NY is doing a participatory action research project supported by the Mellon Foundation to learn about the role of community cultural hubs and networks.
The Performing Arts Network of New Zealand (PANNZ) Arts Market is New Zealand's premiere event for artists, producers, presenters and industry leaders from across the performing arts sector.
AAWP conference 2022
Val Plumwood Memorial Lecture
The 2022 lecture is provided by Dr Richard Twine, Reader in Social Sciences and Co-Director of the Centre for Human Animal Studies (CfHAS) at Edge Hill University. Talk title - 'Val Plumwood’s contribution to intersectional veganism and why the use of the term ‘intersectionality’ need not be seen as appropriation'
With the commitment by the new federal government to renew and reinstate the Creative Australia National cultural policy by the end of 2022, there is a perfect opportunity to complete the Arts Front 2030 work, and promote the ideas and visions for the future that people have contributed over the last five years.
Join us for a discussion about the future of arts and culture in Australia: the key visions, approaches and initiatives of different parties and candidates, and why supporting and rebuilding Australia’s arts and cultural sector is an important challenge for future Australian governments.

MADE App is designed to capture a person’s physical experiences into ART. Generating drawings as you swagger, move and stroll. It is a staggeringly simple concept with beautiful results - with each person becoming the artist and agent of their own true ‘Selfie’. Of being present in the world and unique as your finger print. In App stores March 5th and walking event March 12th
SPACE TO CREATE – First Nations Music Residency - November 8 –14
The Performing Arts Network of New Zealand (PANNZ) Arts Market is New Zealand's premiere event for artists, producers, presenters and industry leaders from across the performing arts sector.
Live Performance in the Time of Omicron
Join Kevin Rudd to kick off the campaign for Sue Ferguson to win Fairfax for the ALP.
A Literary Education Lab Initiative in collaboration with Stella
This innovative symposium brings into dialogue two of Australia’s most celebrated First Nations authors and a leading geo-philosopher to consider the power of interdisciplinary collaboration centred on the literary arts in our rapidly changing climate.
Ellen van Neerven
Professor Tony Birch
Professor Kathryn Yusoff
Please join Literary Education Lab Initiative in collaboration with Stella for this exciting, free live-stream event.
Presentations will be online, scheduled 7.00pm to 8.30pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) 20 January 2022.
For more information, contact Dr. Sarah E. Truman at the Literary Education Lab: sarahe.truman@unimelb.edu.au
Australasian Animal Studies Association (AASA) Online Conference

Aladdin Jr. "Live Stream" Special Event - 26th-27th November
Reset: A New Public Agenda for the Arts offered two days and nights of thinking and discussion about how the arts and cultural sector could work to break out of the current impasse through a radical reorganisation of cultural practice and policy.
The Mind of Plants: Narratives of Vegetal Intelligence IS HERE!
Join us for the book launch and be enchanted by a sharing of stories, dialogue, music and inspiration.

A free online festival exploring Quality of Life Approaches to creative ageing and living with Parkinson’s. An interactive, accessible online gathering to share information, participate in workshops, and build network connections. It will include dance, music, art activities and research presentations.
Cultural Gardeners - Australian Cultural Alliance for Climate Action
Field Trip is an international research symposium investigating creative practice at the intersection of art, science, technology and the environment.
An opportunity to reconnect to support each other, share updates and discuss the practical solutions the Arts Front platform can provide artists and organisations in responding to COVID challenges.
Una jornada de cocreación de historias, reflexiones, imágenes y sonidos sobre nuestra relación con las plantas.
Uma jornada de co-criação, reflexões, imagens e sons sobre a nossa relação com as plantas.
First Nations Writers Residency - Digital Platform
Kabi Kabi Connections Projection Project - Horizon Festival - 2021
Dajarra State School Centenary and Community Archive Project.
An online symposium that brings The Mind of Plants contributors together to share their reflections and various learnings with plants.
Stories, poetry and sound across a diversity of human languages and geographical landscapes. Come and join us!
The Performing Arts Network of New Zealand (PANNZ) Arts Market is New Zealand's premiere event for artists, producers, presenters and industry leaders from across the performing arts sector.
Unpacking the Canada Council's $85m Digital Strategy Fund. What worked and what can the arts sector in Australia learn from it?
Are you new to animal studies research? Do you grapple with current theoretical debates – such as intersectionality and decolonial approaches? Do you wonder how and where to publish? If you would like to understand the basics of the publication process, from pitching an article idea to responding to peer review and get advice on what’s possible when working with non-traditional outputs – such as visual art and creative writing – join us at the master class: Tools for Animal Studies Research.
This interactive online event, presented by the Australasian Animal Studies Association (AASA), is aimed at higher degree and early career researchers interested in animal studies. You will have an opportunity to hear from scholars doing innovative work in the field and ask questions.
We are in the midst of a Creative Revolution.
Scenic Rim Regional Council and SWQ Regional Arts are presenting a series of 11 Arts Dinners in person and online.
Join us for a day-long immersive experience with artists and changemakers demonstrating how arts and creativity is transforming lives and building stronger, more connected communities.
What is the role of artists in changing our systems? This is a series for artists and arts workers to explore big ideas, how they relate to conditions in our sector, with provocations and opportunities to start imagining what change might look like.

The Australian arts sector's first 100% online conference + festival.
* PLEASE NOTE: No inflight meals will be harmed in the development and delivery of this event.

Arts Front Podcast Interview Series
Field Trip - Arts, Science, Tech and Environment Symposium
An online symposium exploring ideas of basic income and the need for an approach to economy that puts creativity and care at its centre. Led by a panel of artists, researchers, economists, scientists and philosophers, the symposium responds to current and ongoing planetary crises, and positions creativity and social ecology as integral to shaping policy and systems of value.
The Symposium is a joint initiative of Arts Front, BLINDSIDE and Next Wave and was supported by the City of Melbourne COVID-19 Arts Grants.
Arts Dinners Online delivers a professional development, networking and fun event so that people can participate in this from the comfort of their own home.
Little Lunch Online (LLOL) was a daily online meetup and creative exchange to support the Australian arts sector during the Corona Virus pandemic in 2020.
Floating Land: point to point marks the 10th iteration of one of Noosa’s most significant and iconic cultural events.
Arts Ablaze was a conference and celebration of regional arts in Queensland taking place at Ramada Resort Kooralbyn Valley on Wednesday 2 to Sunday 6 October 2019.

Peace Day celebrations at MIC 2019.
Arts, Creativity and Education Futures Summit
International Dawn Chorus Day - May 5 2019 - Montessori International College
REVEIL 2019 – International Dawn Chorus Day
A five-week Eudlo Creek pilot project delivered in term 2 and engaging with the challenge of reinvigorating the creek that flows through the MIC grounds.
Dalby Billycan Project - 2019
To engage, activate and walk with seniors and community in Dalby
Development Space for the Custodians of Country project for 2020
MIC Walking Billycan Project - 2019.
The Community Dinner for November 2018 will beheld at Bagot Community on Monday, 26 November, from 6 PM, at the Bagot Community Store building. My Sisters' Kitchen will again provide food. Local musicians will perform.
An event to test out some of the functions of the new V2 Arts Front platform.

Reports (35)
- Action FABnyc
FABnyc Workshop Day
Washington Square NY 10003Feral Arts5th Mar, 2024 -
- Action Kensington Cultural Council
Kensington test story - video + audio + images
Kensington New YorkFeral Arts19th Oct, 2023 -
- Action Kensington Cultural Council
Newish mobile test
Kensington new yorkFeral Arts18th Oct, 2023 -
- Action Kensington Cultural Council
new test testing desktop
brooklynFeral Arts18th Oct, 2023 -
- Action Kensington Cultural Council
Mobile test
Kensington BrooklynFeral Arts13th Oct, 2023 -
- Action Kensington Cultural Council
Kensington workshop Project
kensington new yorkFeral Arts12th Oct, 2023 -
- Action Kensington Cultural Council
Kensington Concert
Kensington Cultural Council new yorkFeral Arts12th Oct, 2023 -
ReportSunshine Coast to Sydney
(1 person, return)October 2021189 kg Carbon Savedzoom meetingFeral Arts25th Oct, 2021 -
- Action People + Plants Stories
Multiple media test
Feral Arts26th Mar, 2021 -
- Action Maroochy River Mapping
Low tide at pin cushion
Feral Arts5th Dec, 2020 -
- Action First Peoples First - Acknowledging Country
Floating Land 2019 - Symposium
the j noosaFeral Arts27th Feb, 2020 -
- Action First Peoples First - Acknowledging Country
Floating Land Test
Boreen PointFeral Arts27th Feb, 2020 -
- Action Mapping MIC
Test Report
Montessori International College - Sunshine CoastFeral Arts18th Feb, 2020 -
- Action Maroochy River Mapping
Floating weed video
Feral Arts11th Feb, 2020 -
- Action Maroochy River Mapping
New bird takeoff
Maroochy riverFeral Arts11th Feb, 2020 -
- Action Maroochy River Mapping
Test image
Maroochydore beachFeral Arts1st Feb, 2020 -
Can we save the world, one tree at a time?
Feral Arts26th Nov, 2019